Well, if Spring was springing before, it has most definitely sprung now!
We’ve just entertained our first ‘official’ guests and are very excited to host many more in the months and years to come. We were lucky enough to show off our evening meals not once but twice, showcasing our own produce as well as freshly picked greens from the surrounding verges and fields – the first of the excellent foraging to be had in these parts. These greens, known locally as ‘erba di campo’ can be a selection of any number of up to a dozen varieties of wild radicchio, cicory and dandelions, to name but a few. We simply fried these up with a little olive oil and folded them into a frittata as one of the antipasti – delicious!
The garden proper is getting a look in as well – earth being turned over, fruit trees pruned early lettuces from the green house planted out and more sown. This really is an exciting time of year, we just hope we can get it all done! Speaking of which, if anyone fancies coming and living and eating with us for free, in return for working in the garden and on the restoration and decoration of the second apartment – do get in touch!